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CHC General Information
For more information, prospective members should attend a CHC tour!
(Tours are offered every year, typically in February & March.)

Opening Assembly 

CHC offers classes for students from age 4 to 12th grade. Our co-op meets on Friday mornings in Nicholasville, KY. Opening assembly begins each week in the sanctuary, and students proceed to their classrooms following morning announcements.

Tuition and Fees

Registration fees are paid upon enrollment, and annual tuition and supply fees are due on September 1st. Tuition is paid in advance for the entire year, and tuition and fees remain at regular rates for all children, regardless of absences. Annual tuition rates begin at $400 for 1 student.


Daily Schedule

9:10 Opening Assembly - pledges, announcements, prayer

9:30 Classes begin

12:30 Classes dismiss

12:30-1:00  Lunch

1:00 4th hour classes begin 

2:00 End of 4th hour classes 

Elementary Information

Preschool and Kindergarten classes are self-contained and are dismissed at 12:25 p.m. Elementary students in grades 1-6 rotate through their classes. They will complete 3 or 4 classes in the fall and 3 or 4 different classes in the spring. These classes vary from year to year, but generally consist of supplemental classes such as: art, music, PE, children's literature, geography, science, etc. Exact classes to be offered are usually determined and announced in late spring/early summer. 


 Jr/Sr High Information

Our junior high and senior high program includes grades 7-12. Students rotate through 3 one-hour classes of their choice. Most junior/senior high classes offered at CHC are supplemental classes, not core classes. Classes vary from year to year and are typically determined and announced in late spring/early summer. Some examples of classes offered are: biology, chemistry, drawing and painting, auto mechanics, media, creative writing, sign language, student leadership, guitar, history, cooking, discipleship, PE, drama, yearbook, chess, etc. 


Parent Jobs 

Application to the co-op requires that one parent from each family serve in some capacity in the functioning of the co-op. We have a limited number of "at home" jobs. Your job in the co-op may require you to be onsite on some Friday mornings. 


Parent Room

We encourage the parents to stay and fellowship in our Parent Room. This time is designed to provide a supportive environment for parents. Refreshments are served and informative and inspirational presentations and displays are regularly scheduled. Parents must sign-in on the attendance sheet each week.  If you choose to leave the building during class hours, you must leave a cell phone number on the sign-in sheet and the name of an adult remaining in the building who will be responsible for your child while you are out. 



Regular attendance is required. Students are expected to attend class with no more than 2 absences per semester. Additional absences without a good excuse may be cause for dismissal from the co-op. 


Care of Facility 

We are very thankful to our host church for the use of their facility.  We want to show our appreciation by respecting their property:

  • If you see trash, pick it up and throw it away. 

  • If you make a mess, clean it up.

  • Parents are responsible for their children's messes.

  • No food or beverage will be allowed in the sanctuary.

  • Do not ask to use the church phones.

  • Do not use church supplies or equipment without authorization.

  • Please stay in areas designated for our use.


Grounds for Suspension from CHC 

Adherence to group policies is a requirement for membership in the group. Failure to abide by group policies and procedures may be grounds for suspension or expulsion from the group, at the discretion of the Leadership Team. Grounds for suspension or expulsion may include, but are not limited to the following: failure to pay tuition and fees on time, chronic absenteeism, parental refusal to participate in volunteer roles, ongoing behavioral problems, other situations which are deemed to impair the general well-being of the group, or failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct. 

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